Chop Wood Carry Water Plant Seeds is a blog about Self-Sufficient Homesteading. How can we live by creating a sustainable bio-diverse world, instead of by consuming and destroying the only one we have? What kind of teaching have you got if you exclude nature?

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mykorrhiza Sweden

The network Mykorrhiza (eng mycorrhiza) was started by a group of people who believe that Sweden is in need of a movement using practical methods to act for change through self sufficiency. We started this movement with a focus on local food production to work with issues such as the environment, health and global solidarity.
The food we consume and the lifestyle that dominates in the industrial world favours unsustainable methods in farming. The use of huge, heavy and energy-consuming machinery, poisonous pesticides, chemically produced fertilizers and huge mono-cultures contribute to the destruction of bio-diversity. This contributes in turn to the destruction of the environment and suffering of people around the world. The way in which we produce and consume our food is the source of many of the major challenges of our time, and by effecting change we will find solutions.
We aim to be a network focused on solutions rather than problems, and to be relevant to people both in the countryside and in cities. Change can be made in a variety of ways. It is all about finding your own ways to a more sustainable life, that lighten the burden on the environment and contribute to a more healthy lifestyle for us as human beings. What is needed is more small-scale peasants, and our aim is to inspire and help those who want to run small-scale organic farms, live in a more self-sufficient way or grow crops in the city. We want to highlight solutions for local food production and create meeting places for exchange of knowledge and inspire those who want to create a new way of living.
All those who share our vision and ground values are welcome to participate in our activities. Our purpose is to be an autonomous network which continues to be shaped by its members. New groups and projects are more than welcome to join, and all ideas are appreciated.
Our name
Mykorrhiza is not just taken from the air, actually from the earth… Mycorrhiza is the symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a plant. A fungus is neither a plant nor an animal, but a kind of mushroom, mould or yeast. They spread under the surface of the earth over vast areas, and connect plant-life in a giant web. The mycorrhiza makes it easier for the plant to take up water and mineral nutrients, and in return the fungal partner receives nourishment.
Our name is a metaphor, which compares our network with the mycorrhiza in the soil. We aim to reach all parts of our society, help others and spread valuable knowledge and ideas, to make the world a better place.
Visit the web page for more info at Mykorrhiza

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